treated sewage gets dumped in a deep hole.
Large sewage injection
wells are permitted, and Gang Cesspools are not
R.H. Bennett, Ph.D.
Applied Life Sciences LLC and Kona Waterkeepers
people will likely react to this title with another question. What is an
injection well? In Hawaii, an injection well is a hole deeper than it is wide
and allows the flow of liquids into the ground. In the state, they are used to
dispose of partially treated sewage or stormwater. It may or may not be lined
or pipe fitted.
A gang cesspool is defined as follows. “Residential multiple-dwelling, community, or
regional systems (e.g., townhouse complexes or apartment buildings) that
dispose of sanitary waste or Non-residential cesspools that have the capacity
to serve 20 or more persons per day per the EPA (5)”.
Sewer injection wells are fundamentally not different
from gang cesspools. So why is one permitted and the other banned? Both systems
have the potential to contaminate drinking water. Injection wells are regulated
under federal statute, implemented by the state (4).
In Hawaii, all injection wells are used solely to dispose
of rainwater, stormwater runoff, and sewage. That is right, partially treated
wastewater can be put down a well and allowed to percolate to the groundwater
below. In the mainland, injection wells can go very deep and below drinking
water aquifers. On an island, the brackish groundwater circulates to and from
the sea by tidal action. Some brackish groundwater flows in Kona are millions
of gallons per day. The cold spots we swim into are due to this flow.
Our island is not at all like Kansas. Brackish
groundwater penetrates the inland. Inland percolated rainwater floats on the
saline groundwater. This floating water is our drinking water.
Underground injection wells are limited to the near-coastal
zone as depicted by a UIC (Underground Injection Control) line around each
island. The line sites injection wells close to the coast. Drinking water is
protected by locating these wells nearshore and away from the upslope drinking
water wells. No one would argue with that logic. However, below the line, near
the ocean side of the UIC line, wastewater, stormwater, and sewage can be
injected. Yet, where does this hazardous liquid go? It joins the brackish
groundwater flowing toward the sea. It has nowhere else it can go. The fate of
these pollutants is entirely unregulated.
Per the State of Hawai‘i, the marine waters off the Kona
Coast are Class AA Pristine and to be kept in their “wilderness” state
(HAR 11-54). How can the pristine state be possible when the polluted
wastewater is flowing into the sea in seeps and lava tubes?
It is unlawful to run a wastewater pipeline into the sea
without demonstrating via the permit process that the wastewater will not
degrade the receiving waters. On Hawaii Island, there are at least two such
pipeline permitted discharges operated by Hawaii County. In great contrast,
Honolulu still pipes untreated sewage directly offshore. This still occurs in
spite of a 2010 Consent Decree, where the city agreed to abate the polluting
In an injection well, the pipeline or well casing does
not enter the sea. As Supreme Court Justice Kagan suggested during oral
testimony on the Maui Case, if the underground pipeline stopped five feet from
the sea, are we to presume that would be a permissible discharge? In the Maui
injection well case, the Ninth Federal Circuit court said no. They said
underground geologic conduits are fundamentally no different than a pipeline
draining into the sea. Therefore, a discharge permit is required.
According to the Department of Health, Clean Water
Branch, Underground Injection Control Program, or UIC, Hawaii island has 613
sewage injection wells. However, a limited review suggests many of these wells
are closed where sewer service is available. Sewage in the context of the UIC
program is all wastewater from domestic and commercial plumbing. Sewage
treatment is to the Secondary Level, to include the removal of suspended and
dissolved solids. There is no requirement for disinfection or nutrient removal.
An individual injection well is rather primitive as most
are gravity fed. An example is shown below.
Frank L Peterson of the University of Hawaii was the first to raise concerns
about injection well performance and potential contamination of the nearshore
waters in 1985.
"The extent of shallow coastal-water
contamination is more problematic. Wastewater injected into coastal aquifers
only a few tens or hundreds of meters from the shore must discharge, virtually
undiluted, directly into the coastal waters” (3).
He went on to suggest that the functional life span of
an injection well may only be a matter of a few years due to clogging and
fouling. The performance of injection wells today is mostly unknown to the
state for the lack of the required inspections.

The addition of wastewater nutrients to the sea is well documented to be deadly
to coral, especially during warm water stress.
Recently the state instituted a
law to limit the use of sewage injection wells. Act 131 (2018) provides that
the Health Department Director shall not issue permits for the construction of
sewage wastewater injection wells unless alternative wastewater disposal
options are not available. In most cases, some options require a higher level
of sewage treatment that removes nutrients and pathogens(1). Perhaps this new
law will provide some incentive to examine the benefits of water reuse as we
move into an era of radical climate change.
The reason that Gang Cesspools
are banned and injection wells are not is that the siting of injection wells is
only permitted downslope far away from drinking water wells. The logic obeys
the simple physics of gravity on water.
Under the UIC program, there is
no accounting for the impact of the wastewater on the environment because a
human-made conduit does not convey the wastewater directly into the waters of
the United States. That makes about as much practical environmental policy
sense as screen doors on submarines. All nearshore groundwater polluted or not,
eventually flows into the sea.
Most of our nearshore waters are
Federally-Listed as Impaired under the rules of the 1972 Clean Water Act. The
law requires the state to regulate these impaired waters and prevent further
impairment. The EPA and the state have done absolutely nothing to apply the law
on this island. The net effect is to provide local business and government the
cheapest wastewater disposal method possible.
We can only hope the Justices will use the
same common sense applied by the Ninth Circuit Court in its ruling on the Maui
wastewater injection wells. However, that optimism is wistful given the recent
appointments to the court.
The Constitution of the State of Hawaii
contains the Public Trust Doctrine. This doctrine requires the state to act in
the public trust when it manages the state’s natural resources. When the state allows the dumping of sewage
wastewaters into the ground near the sea, it violates that trust. It is we the
people that will have to bear the cost
of such a polluters subsidy.
1. Hawaii Department of Health GUIDELINES FOR THE
TREATMENT AND USE OF RECYCLED WATER (2013) https://health.hawaii.gov/wastewater/files/2016/03/03_V1_RWFacilities.pdf
2. Lapointe, Brian E., Peter J. Barile, Mark M.
Littler, and Diane S. Littler. "Macroalgal blooms on southeast Florida
coral reefs: II. Cross-shelf discrimination of nitrogen sources indicates
widespread assimilation of sewage nitrogen." Harmful Algae 4, no. 6
(2005): 1106-1122.
Peterson, FRANK L., and June Ann Oberdorfer. "Uses and abuses of
wastewater injection wells in Hawaii." Pacific Science 39, no. 2
(1985): 230.
4. US
EPA Safe Drinking Water Act, Underground Injection Control. https://www.epa.gov/uic/underground-injection-control-regulations-and-safe-drinking-water-act-provisions
USGS 2018 Polluted Groundwater Threatens Coral Reefs https://www.usgs.gov/center-news/polluted-groundwater-threatens-hawaiian-coral-reefs?qt-news_science_products=4#qt-news_science_products